Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Dear Temple Sinai community:

We are all shocked by today's events at the Boston Marathon, even while we continue to learn more about the situation. At this moment, I can report that, as far as we know, all Temple Sinai members who were runners in the marathon, their family members, or medical care workers in the area are all safe. Some Sinai runners who had not yet reached the finish line were escorted home and are fine, and at least one Temple Sinai member who was overseeing medical stations near the finish line has been evacuated to the Boston Common. Many are still waiting to return home, but, as of now, we can be grateful that, at least so far, all members of our community are unhurt and are safe.

We would be grateful to hear from those Sinai members who were marathon runners today, or who were near the finish line at the time of the explosions -- if you were in the area, please send an email to confirm that you are unhurt.

Meanwhile, our hearts ache for the victims of these terrible events on this day. Our thoughts and prayers turn to the them and to their families. We reach out to those who lost loved ones, and we offer them our heartfelt consolations, and we pray for those who have been injured, that they and their families will be blessed with strength.

We all need strength at a time like this. Our community will gather for a brief prayer service, an opportunity for us to offer support to one another, and to seek comfort with one another through prayer and music in a short service, tomorrow, Tuesday evening, April 16, at 5:30pm, in the Sanctuary at Temple Sinai. I hope you can join us to gather as a community tomorrow at 5:30pm. (Stay tuned for more information.)

Tonight, we ask everyone to follow the safety instructions of Gov. Patrick, to get home safely and remain home, and to be in touch with your loved ones.

May God bless us all with strength and courage, and allow us to affirm what is good in our lives and the world, as we continue to cope with today's events.

- Rabbi Andy Vogel

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