Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sinai Update - Weds., April 17, 2013

Reflections on Our Jewish World – Rabbi Andy Vogel

We are all recovering in our own ways after the terrible events at Monday’s Boston Marathon. To start, I want to offer my prayer of gratitude that, as far as we know, all Temple Sinai members are accounted for as unhurt and safe.  Many of our community were running in the marathon, or cheering on family members and friends; others were overseeing medical stations, including some at the finish line, or were called into local hospitals to provide medical or psychological care once the explosions occurred.  A few of our Sinai members were at the scene and saw or heard the bombs explode.  Many others are deeply concerned about friends beyond Temple Sinai who were injured on Monday, and we offer our prayers for them.  But today, I am grateful to report that everyone in our community is physically safe.

   And yet, the stories and photos continue to be shocking and saddening.  As we continue to learn the details about the day’s horrifying events, as we learn more about who was hurt, whose life was taken, and how awful the scenes truly were, we learn about our own mortality and how fragile our lives are.  We learn about the unpredictability of life and how little control we have over life.  This is a traumatizing reality.  And yet, we also are hearing stories about the strength of the human spirit and our ability to overcome trauma.  Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav taught:  “The whole world is a narrow bridge, and the main thing is not to be afraid.”  Fear can paralyze us, or it can lead us off the course we envision for our lives, but we will not let it do so.  We are blessed with the qualities of perseverance – the true meaning in Judaism for the word “emunah,” often translated as “faith.”  As Jews, we acknowledge that the world is broken in many ways, but we are also a people that finds strength to keep moving forward.  

   Please also note that I am available to speak with you should you need rabbinic support; please just send me an email to set up a time to talk:  

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Rabbi Andy Vogel

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